할 일에 파뭍혀 사는 현대인들에게 David Allen의 GTD(Getting Things Done)는 매우 효과적인 방법론이다. 이를 기반으로 OmniFocus나 Things, iGTD 같은 어플리케이션도 개발되어 호응을 얻고 있다. 그러나 이 GTD라는 것을 이용해 삶의 능률을 올리려면 방법론에 대한 정확한 이해가 필요하다.
David Allen의 <Getting Things Done>은 이렇게 번역된 바 있는데(현재 절판되어 구하기가 쉽지 않다), 보다 심층적인 내용을 담은 후속 책이 있다고 하여 아래 소개한다.
David Allen - Ready for Anything : 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life David Allen - Ready for Anything : 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life karmaticsp I found his first book "Getting Things Done" a rather tough read. A lot of great info was certainly there, but somehow the way it was written left my head spinning. Eventually I began to understand the systems and implement them, but I couldn't get over the nagging feeling that these theories and practices that were so basic and logical did not have to be so hard to grasp. All of these shortcomings have been fixed in this great new book. Allen's theories, practices and strategies are delivered in 2-5 page bite sized pieces which much better suit his writing style. Each of the 52 short chapters can be devoured in a few minutes and can be understood and internalized individually or in well organized clusters as fits you best. In a perfect world I'd suggest skimming Allen's first book so that you get an over view of his "systems"; then read this book for a bunch of "I get it!" moments; and then back to "Getting Things Done" for a more careful read. In fact, that's what I'm going to do. But even if you never read Allen's first book; this new one is well worth the time because it will force you to look at work, time, and all of the stuff that clutters your mind and life in entirely new ways.